Monday, September 21, 2009

Alright Fine

I constantly want to blog but I know I have to introduce myself first.
Dammit here it is.

My name is Alyson L. I am still not sure if I will share this blog with others or make it personal. I'm leaning towards personal, so, sorry.

Here is a list of stuff I like so you can get to know me.
  • certain words (for example: frontier, portal, weird) and phrases (like "that's the ticket," "what's the big idea?" and [a very over-used one for me...] "on the double")
  • nostalgia
  • colors (red, white, grey and royal blue are my favorites--in that order)
  • literality
  • making up words
  • dreadlocks
  • dogs, polar bears and puffer fish
  • questions- asking and recieving them
  • crafting and sewing
  • thinking and challenging
  • sandwiches

As I was writing that, I was just wondering what the point of a blog is. If you know of one, please let me know.

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